Hello! Today I am
going to write about changes that could be made to my study program.
The truth is that
when I entered the university, my career, chemistry and pharmacy just suffered
a change in the study program, so it was completely reformed, and to tell the
truth we were some '' guinea pigs '' to see if this new change served.
In themselves they
were still the same contents but their name and maybe their approach to
learning was different.
Being a
restructuring, the new courses asked for new requirements to take it, also so
that courses that were semi-annual became annual and vice versa, which I
think was a big mistake, but good.
Another thing that
I would like to be able to change is the fact that I know it's my fault to
repeat courses. But I think that the faculty should give the option of not
having schedule clashes, in other universities they do the schedules focused on
this not happening, and unfortunately this happens because there is only one
section, leaving these usual clashes.
Speaking of
changes in the study program I think that of the courses that I have had
two I found them meaningless, one of them is a research course, I think the
meaning of that course was that you learned to look for a reliable source and
learn to read papers , but unfortunately I asked for English 2, and that for me
and fellow students was very little.
Finally as an extra; Sometimes there are two sections of courses, one is made by an
"X" teacher and the other "Y" teacher and, I know that each
teacher teaches how he wants, but it would be good if the contents are the
same. Since in the test that is common for both sections, it is unfair that in
one section it is passed and in another it is not.
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